How to Handle Disrespect in Marriage

Marriage is not just the act of two individuals committing to each other in front of friends and family, but it is also an ongoing commitment built upon the foundation of mutual respect, trust, and love. In return, the couple pledge to the other their exclusive loyalty and fidelity. Marriage has been considered to be the most sacred relationship in human civilisation. However, many couples fail to remember this, leading to feelings of anger, jealousy, and resentment. These feelings can make a relationship turn sour, and it can be hard to know how best to handle them.

Identify the Cause

There are many reasons why your partner may be disrespecting you. They may not even realise they are doing it, but it’s important for you to work out why it’s happening. Does your partner work full time whilst you stay at home to do the house work or look after the kids? If so, they may perceive you as having a better or easier life, leading to resentment. They may see themselves as better than you because they work hard to provide for the family, or they feel entitled to a clean house and a hot meal because they’ve been at work all day.

Alternatively, they may be unable to relate to your problems, and they see your problems as smaller than their own. On the flip side, they may not feel they can talk to you about their own problems because they think you won’t be able to relate to them, so they automatically disregard your opinion.

Meanwhile, the cause could be a result of their upbringing. They may have seen their parents treat each other with disrespect, so they believe it is normal and appropriate. On a more serious note, they may be trying to control or manipulate you. This may be because they don’t trust you, they have low confidence, or they don’t believe you can look after yourself.

That being said, keep in mind that while identifying the cause can foster understanding and help resolve issues, persistent disrespect should ideally not be tolerated. You may choose to have an open and honest conversation about your feelings, consider couples counseling, or, if necessary, reach out to the best divorce lawyer in arizona or elsewhere. Remember, preparing to leave the relationship, if all else fails, doesn’t make you a bad person; it’s a crucial act of prioritizing your well-being and maintaining healthy boundaries.

Lead By Example

Once you’ve identified the cause, the first thing to try is to lead by example. Respect earns respect, as they say, so if you respect them, they should respect you. Be careful not to submit to them, but stand up for yourself. If you disagree on something, be civil and speak to them like you would want to be spoken to. If they shout, remain calm. This may annoy them and result in them shouting louder, but stick with it. They’ll realise that you aren’t rising to their level, and they’ll eventually moderate their tone.

Write Notes

Conversation can get heated, but spelling things out for someone can help them to process things better. If your spoken words are constantly misinterpreted, rehashed and used against you, written notes can be used as evidence of what you said. Try not to write passive aggressive notes or long ranting essays – keep them short, to the point and crystal clear. Avoid emotional language and defensiveness, and stick to the facts. Your partner can then use these notes to learn in a calm, considered way.

Cultivate Trust

Some partners are inherently paranoid. They may worry they will lose you or they may not trust you after you betrayed them in the past. This can turn toxic quickly, and lead to disrespect. Try to build your levels of trust back by making meaningful connections and developing emotional intimacy. If your partner is unwilling to show their emotions, do something together that you both enjoy. They’ll eventually let their guard down as they come to realise they enjoy your company, which will give you the opportunity to foster a healthier relationship.

Maintain Standards

If you’ve spent years being patient with your partner and forgiving them for their unacceptable behavior, you’ve likely unintentionally turned them into a spoiled brat. Some people don’t moderate their behavior even when you lead by example. Instead, they’ll take advantage and walk all over you like a doormat. When this happens, stick up for yourself and insist that you won’t tolerate such poor treatment. Don’t shout – just tell them you expect better and it should penetrate their brain. If your efforts don’t bring about change and you are considering ending the relationship, Ontario Divorce Lawyers can provide the legal guidance and support needed to navigate the divorce process.

Walk Away

Walking away from a disrespectful partner is often the last resort after exhausting all other avenues for reconciliation. Despite the potential for heartbreak, it can serve as a wake-up call for the partner to recognize the gravity of their actions and the consequences of losing the relationship. A healthy partnership thrives on mutual respect and appreciation, and if one party consistently disregards these fundamental values, it may signify an irreparable rift. In such cases, walking away can be an act of self-preservation and a reaffirmation of one’s worth. However, this decision may trigger attempts at reconciliation from the disrespectful partner, prompting a careful examination of their intentions. Are they genuinely remorseful and committed to change, or are their efforts driven by selfish desires or a fear of loss? Dealing with disrespect is a challenging journey, but it’s essential to prioritize self-respect and dignity. In some instances, this journey may lead to the realization that divorce with the help of an expert mediator or lawyer (go here for more further information), can be the only viable solution for both parties to find peace and fulfillment. While divorce entails emotional upheaval and practical complexities, it can also pave the way for a fresh start and the pursuit of healthier, more respectful relationships in the future. It’s a decision that requires courage, introspection, and support from loved ones, but ultimately, it can offer the opportunity for growth, healing, and a renewed sense of self-worth. Should you decide to choose this route, you may want to visit Peters & May for family law services.


Dealing with disrespect is never easy. It can feel like you’re fighting a losing battle at times, but with the tips above, you should be able to gain the respect you deserve back over time. It won’t be an immediate fix – changing habitual behaviour takes time – but a little bit of respect each day goes a long way.